Hello Friends,
what is podcast?
You might watched a lot videos on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, also you made few videos but have you recorded audio MP3 files and uploaded somewhere. Those Audios are simply Podcasts.
Podcasts are import part of Digital Marketing. Like we write articles / post in Blogging, if you save those articles in Audio format are known as Podcasts.
Podcast is combination of 2 words iPod + Broadcast.
If we talk about the future of podcasts, then most people would like to listen to podcasts in the future. Most podcasts are listened to in the US, UK.
If we talk about India, right now the local people here do not listen much, but in the coming time, podcast will be the most listened . There are many such podcast platforms in India, which have downloaded more than 10 million apps, so you can guess from this.
Nowadays we all think that how can we learn or read more things in less time, and so earlier we used to read books, then we started using YouTube to understand something, and now slowly we Everyone has started liking to listen to all things.
You can subscribe to shows with an app on your phone and listen to episodes whenever you want, on your headphones, in the car, or through the speakers.
What are the benefits of podcasting?
The biggest advantage of listening to podcasts is time-saving. For example, suppose you are cooking or driving a car, then you cannot reduce the amount of time you have to spend in it, but in that time you can increase your knowledge by listening to podcasts.
As compared to videos, podcast file size is smaller than video, so it will save mobile DATA. No distraction.. you can do your work while listening it.
If you are a good writer, or you know Poem and you also do poetry, or you like to motivate people, then you must use podcast.
As now more than 65% of people in Google do Voice Search and search for things, when we search anything in Google, Google shows us the same things that we want to see. Voice search is growing very fast in India, and one day it is going to go a long way.
Traditional Radios are regulated by Government. But using Podcast you can freely express yourself.
When can I listen to the podcast?
While at the gym
While driving
While resting
When cooking
In free time

Meaning anytime / anywhere we can listen to the podcast.
How to make a podcast?
One advantage of making a podcast is that if you do not like to come in front of the camera to make videos, but you want to get your point across to the people, then you can do that in a very good way with the help of Podcast. To make a podcast, we will need a few things. Using them, we have to record and publish the podcast.
The most important thing to record podcast is a good mic because if the audio itself is not good then no one will like to listen to our podcast. Keep in mind that you record the podcast in a quiet environment.
If there is more noise where you live, then I would suggest you record at night. By the way, you can also record from the ear phone that comes with the mobile. They also record well, but I would suggest that you take a good mic and record the podcast from it.
If you want best mic in cheap then you can go for Boya By M1 Mic. No need special setup like video recording for shooting and no need to show your face. Just distribute smile with your voice.
Audio Editing Software
After recording the podcast, if there is any mistake in the recording or if there is any noise in the background, then you can remove it by using Audio Editor Software. Audacity is the best software for this which is absolutely free software.
Podcast Hosting Platform
The platform of my choice in the free plan is anchor.fm which is absolutely free and one of its special features is that in its mobile app, you can also record direct and apply background music.
Other podcast hostings
Google Podcast
Breaker Podcast
Castbox Podcast
Overcast Podcast
Radiopublic Podcast
Spotify Podcast
Stitcher Podcast
Anchor.fm Podcast
Headfone.co.in Podcast
How to do podcasting?
Friends, to do podcasting, first of all you will need a computer or mobile and good internet connection for this work. After that you have to select a good podcast platform.
If you want to start podcast from your computer or laptop, then for this you have to sign up in online podcasting sites, after which you can start your podcast. These are some of the best podcast hosting sites.
1. Anchor
2. Podbean.com
3. Spreaker.com
What is the difference between a podcast and a podcast episode?
These words may seem confusing to you. Let’s understand this. A podcast is a series of episodes. There can be many episodes on a topic.
Understand it in simple words like this. You must have seen many types of shows on TV. Here for example I will take the example of a popular show “Bigg Boss”. In this you must have seen that there are many seasons of a Bigg Boss show. Which consists of several episodes. Like 15 episodes in season 5.
Similarly to podcasts, you can add multiple episodes to a season or show.
Through, Podcast ‘Mann Ki Baat’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with people across the country on important subjects.
How does a podcast work?
Most podcasts will be themed around a particular topic. The host or host will talk about that topic on each episode.
Sometimes it’s really specific, like product knowledge or dog training, and sometimes it’s more general, like what to do to live a happy life.
Each episode of the podcast will talk about something specific within that topic – like how a company can detail its products or services or how to stop your dog from fighting with other dogs.
Each episode is usually played by one or two regular presenters. Those talking about that topic often invite outside guests to contribute, or to do interviews.
If I do my thing. I myself host my own podcast. Here I provide you information related to blogging, digital marketing and technology.
Lots of podcasts are really simple. Like just talking to some friends. But few are actually professions podcasters or podcast shows, including theme music, sound effects, professional editing, and more.
Most professional podcasts sound good, but they take a lot of time and money to produce.
On the other hand, there are amateurs like me who can just start out simple. You can put out a podcast or two every single week and move forward in a loyal way.
On which topic make a podcast?
If you still do not understand on which topic to make a podcast, then some topics are suggested below. On which you can create your podcasts, you should select the same topic. In which you have interest and good information because you can explain the topic of your interest well to the people. If people benefit from the podcast you create, then they will follow you, this will increase your audience.
Type of Podcast
- Solo (Life Memories, Story Telling)
- Interview
- Group Talks (Documentory)
Podcast Niches
– Makeup
– Fashion
– Entertainment
– Astrology
– Career / Jobs
– Share Market
– Technology
– Sports
– Daily News
– Jokes
– Motivation
– Podcasting
– Cooking
So now you must have come to know about what is podcast. Let us tell you that money can also be earned from podcasting, although the number of people listening to it is very less, but the time to come is of podcasts. Because in Google also most of the people are searching by speaking and Google’s effort remains the same to give them the answer by speaking i.e. in audio form. In such a situation, if you start podcasting now, then you will get to see good results in future.
Can you earn money from podcasting?
Friends, there are no shortcut ways to earn money, and some people feel like this, then they will come to know about it for some time.
So friends, as you will provide good value to your podcast, and as you get the support of people, they will like your podcast, then your subscribers or people who listen to podcast will increase, then you will earn money from podcast. There will be many ways to find out.
So first of all, if you are good in any field, or you do any work very well, and you also like to do all that work, and you want to share all those things with people, then Start making podcasts today. Start little by little, you will definitely be able to.. 🙂